React Starter Kit


React Starter Kit

Kriasoft is a leading open-source web architecture creation company that designed the React Starter Kit to help web developers advance their projects. The free React Starter Kit is the most popular Jamstack front-end boilerplate for building React web applications.

With its extensive set of libraries, tools, and templates, the kit has all you need to get started for a Javascript web app. It’s more complex than other boilerplates and it’s considered one of the most complete and better-designed boilerplates available. A favorite feature among the developer crowd is that it’s pre-optimized for CDN edge location deployment. It offers HTML page rendering (SSR), which takes care of typical SEO issues in React.

The tool includes a variety of code-quality tools such as TypeScript, ESLint, Vitest, and Prettier. It’s also pre-configured with VSCode settings, including VSCode code snippets, and pre-configured using Emotion.js for CSS-in-JS styling. It follows a simple directory structure that makes organizing files easy.

In early 2024 the React Starter Kit authors announced a major update. To address evolving trends in design, Material UI was dropped in favor of Joy UI, offering better flexibility and customization options. For enhanced State Management, a switch from Recoil to Jotai was made, with Jotai’s more intuitive API offering augmented efficiency and performance.

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